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Web 2.0

Resource 1: Prezi

My first tool is called Prezi.  This is a presentation website that anyone can use for free.  It is an alternative to PowerPoint in my opinion.  It is much more interactive, but to create the Prezi the page looks a lot like the PowerPoint setting.  I actually used it for the first time in one of my other classes about two weeks ago.  It was way more fun to make this than just a regular PowerPoint!  You can choose all of the settings and design features!  I love this because it is online like Google Docs so students can edit the same presentation at the same time.  The only downside I see is that it is a little complicated right at first with all of the movement around the screen, but the templates help a lot!


Resource 2: Padlet

My second Web 2.0 tool is called Padlet.  Now I have contributed to a Padlet once in my undergrad, but no one explained what it was to me.  It is like a computerized bulletin board website that you can attach anything to!  You can ask a question and have students add answers or ideas.  You can even have it open for questions to be posted throughout your class!  What is great is that you can add voice recordings, videos, pictures, notes, attachments, and any links.  This can be used for so many different projects and assignments.  I think the only downside would be the amount of space offered it can only fill the screen so if you’re using it for posts and discussions it could get full and crowded.

Resource 3: Easelly

Easelly is my final and favorite free tool online.  Have you ever seen those cool info-graphics online and on Pinterest?  They are like posters, but for the Internet.  Well this tool will help you make them!  Just like Prezi and Padlet you can add anything to it make the design however you like.  I am a very visual person (as shown by my resources so far) so these types of graphics are way easier for me to understand than reading a lot of text.  This would be great for in a classroom in place of constantly making anchor charts!  Save the paper and make an  My main concern is that I’m not sure if this tool can be used for group projects with multiple working on it at a time.  I am going to look into that!    

Mobile Learning

Resource 1: TED Talks App

The TED app is my first resource for mobile learning.  Please tell me you have all seen at least 1 Ted Talk.  They are amazing and I’m obsessed with them!  They are talks given by people all over the world about every topic you could imagine.  I actually have a Pinterest board of all of the different lists and types of Ted Talks I want to listen to (click the "pin it" next to the TED app icon).  The app is a great on the go resource for phone and tablets (they have a website as well).  This would be a great resource for in the classroom when you want students to explore a topic.  They are also great for projects when you want to add more variety and choice in the classroom.  The app has a cool feature called surprise me where you give an amount of time and broad topic and it gives you a Ted Talk to listen to.  The only concern I have is that I’m not sure if there are any controls or restrictions to what students see or hear so it could be difficult if they were to watch something “inappropriate.”  There are talks about relationships and violence so that could cause trouble depending on your school rules.  As a bonus I included a great and free Ted Talk worksheet to use in class.  It is a great last minute sub plan!

Resource 2: Sky Walk App

Sky Walk is my second Mobile Learning application for your smart phone.  This was a free application from the app store.  It is a constellation and planet locator (as well as the moon).  You can either be inside or outside and you move the phone around and it will show you where they are located.  In high school I had to keep a journal about the stars and moon for a class and it was difficult to find them (especially in bad weather).  But with this app you can have some assistance!  I would use this in my sixth grade science class when learning about Space Science.  The only major downside to the app is that because it is free there are a lot of ads that pop up when you are using it.  It is very user friendly and can be so nice if you don’t have your telescope handy!  

Resource 3: Nearpod App

Nearpod is my final Mobile Learning resource that comes in an app for smart phones and tablets.  It is a digital classroom resource for lessons, assessments, and projects.  This is a gold mine of an app for all teachers.  Nearpod has lessons ready to go or allows you to create your own.  The app is a combination of PowerPoint, Kahoot, and Paint.  All grade levels and subject areas are able to use it too.  You can show videos, have students draw pictures, and take formative assessments through quizzes.  The lesson give you pin numbers that the students enter in on their technology.  It is a free app, but some of the lessons do cost money.  I see the only downside being that the only way to use the assessments and picture (drawings and annotations) is if you are in a 1:1 school or classroom.  You will need tablets or phones for every student.  I can’t wait to use this app!  


Candler, L. (2014, February 22). 5 reasons to use nearpod in the classroom.  Corkboard Connections. Retrieved from

Easelly home page. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Koppen, K. (2016, June 14). Kali Koppen 6060 Mini Project 1. Retrieved from

Koppen, K. (June 2016). Kali Koppen's Mini Project 3 Literacy Strategy. Retrieved from

Koppen, K. (June 2016). My First Padlet Wedding Edition. Retrieved from

Nearpod App. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Padlet home page. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Prezi home page. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Randazzo, L. (n.d.). TED talks, free worksheet to use with any Ted talk, public speaking, grades 6-12. retrieved from

Sky Walk Lite app. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Stargazing Apps- Skyview and Star Walk. (n.d.). Retrieved from

TED app. (n.d.). Retrieved from 

TED (n.d.). Retrieved from

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